Tattoo and Semi-Permanent Makeup Removal


Begin Again with a Clean Slate

Introduction: Transform and reclaim your skin with our advanced Tattoo and Semi-Permanent Makeup Removal service at Petts Wood Clinic. Utilizing the revolutionary AllWhite Laser system, we offer a safe and effective way to fade and remove unwanted ink and pigmentation. Whether you're looking to erase a tattoo or correct semi-permanent makeup, our team is committed to achieving the best possible results for your skin.


The Technology

Laser Precision: Our AllWhite Laser system is designed to target tattoo ink and semi-permanent makeup pigments without damaging the surrounding skin. It emits short pulses of light energy that break down the pigments into smaller particles, which the body can then naturally eliminate.

Tailored Treatments: Different colours and ink depths require a unique approach. Our laser specialists will personalise your treatment plan based on the age, size, colors, and location of your tattoo or semi-permanent makeup.

The Procedure

Consultation: Every successful treatment begins with a thorough consultation. Our experts will evaluate your specific needs, discuss your goals, and explain the removal process, including what to expect during and after the sessions.

During the Treatment: Comfort and care are at the forefront of our services. You'll be provided with protective eyewear, and a topical numbing cream can be applied to minimize discomfort. The length of each session varies depending on the complexity of the tattoo or makeup being removed.

Post-Treatment Care: Following the procedure, you may experience some redness, swelling, or blistering—common reactions that signify the beginning of the healing process. We'll provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

 What to Expect

Realistic Outcomes: Multiple sessions are often necessary to achieve optimal results, with intervals of several weeks between appointments to allow the skin to heal. The number of sessions will depend on the tattoo's characteristics and your body's response to treatment.

Aftercare Support: We believe in supporting you every step of the way. Our clinic offers comprehensive aftercare advice and is available to answer any questions you may have as your skin heals and recovers.

 Pricing and Packages

Every tattoo removal journey is unique, and so is our pricing. We provide individual session rates and discounted package options tailored to the scope of your removal needs.

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 Schedule Your Consultation

If you're considering tattoo or semi-permanent makeup removal, schedule a consultation with us at Petts Wood Clinic. Let us guide you towards a fresh start.